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About PSA


The PSA (Public Servants Association of South Africa) is a registered trade union at the forefront of labour developments. 

The PSA is the largest, politically non-affiliated, fully-representative union in the Public Service. With a proud history of more than a century of service to its members, the PSA represents more than 245 000 public servants, Public Service pensioners and employees of semi-state institutions.

The PSA's conduct is aimed at achieving the Union mission, guided by the values of: loyalty, transparency, respect, ethical conduct, consistency, and service excellence.

  • The PSA is one of very few trade unions in South Africa which attends to the individual disputes of members free of charge. It has an impressive success rate in resolving workplace-related cases.
  • As a registered section 21 company (non-profit), the PSA has to comply with both the stringent legal and financial requirements of the  Companies Act and also all requirements for trade unions under the Labour Relations Act. This ensures sound management and control over the financial affairs of the PSA.

What does the PSA do for me?

As a trade union, the PSA's principal purpose is to regulate the relationship between employers and employees. The PSA creates a collective bargaining leverage for its members and provides a service to them by:

  • Negotiating fair terms of remuneration and representing their interests in a variety of bargaining councils.
  • Protecting their service benefits, such as medical aid, pension schemes and housing subsidies.
  • Addressing issues such as fair and reasonable working conditions, hours of work and leave entitlements.
  • Protecting the rights of its members by harnessing its professional, legal resources to defend them in situations of unfair labour practice or infringement of constitutional rights.



As a registered trade union, the PSA’s main objective is the effective protection and promotion of the collective and individual rights and interests of its members at their respective workplaces.

In terms of its Statute, and MOI, the PSA’s objectives, amongst others, are to:

  • promote and to protect the rights and interests of its members
  • represent its members in all negotiations with their employers
  • provide legal assistance to its members in connection with their employment
  • strive to secure a well-paid, efficient and contented Public Service adequate for the needs of the State
  • take such steps as are deemed necessary to secure and maintain cordial relations and the fullest measure of co-operation with the Government and the general public in matters affecting the Public Service with a view to efficiency and economy combined with the well-being of those employed: Provided that the PSA shall not endeavour to secure advantages to members by the exercise of political or other undue influence
  • suggest, promote, support, oppose legislation or other measures affecting the interests of its members
  • advise the Government of the Republic of South Africa upon all matters it refers to the PSA
  • issue literature for the information and enlightenment of its members and the public
  • affiliate or cooperate with any association or union having the same or similar objectives of those of the PSA
  • affiliate with and participate in the affairs of any international workers’ organisation or the International Labour Organisation
  • conduct any lawful business in furtherance of the objectives of the PSA and to secure for members special advantages in any mutual benefit, co-operative or other concerns.

Memorandum of incorporation August 2016
Statute February 2016