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Join the PSA today!

PSA Public-Sector members

PSA membership is available to all persons employed by the State or any organ of state, other employee groups as may be designated by the PSA Board of Directors, or any organisation associated and/or related to any organ of state or public service.

Complete the electronic membership application form below.

The PSA Membership application form is also available for download at the bottom of this page. The fully completed form must be submitted to

PSA Student Members

The PSA Board of Directors approved that the PSA officially broadens the Union's membership scope to include specific categories* of students in the Public Service. These students may join the PSA at a discounted membership rate of 50% of the ordinary membership fee for the period of their training.

*Student Nurses, Department of Correctional Services students (trainee Correctional Officers), South African Police Service students (trainee SAPS Officials), and Aspirant Training Prosecutors (ATP) in the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).

Download the PSA Student Membership application form at the bottom of this page and submit the fully completed form to

PSA Branch for Associate Members

The PSA is the only trade union that serves the interests of public service pensioners. Membership of this Group Branch is governed in terms of section 14 of the PSA Statute.

Download the PSA Pensioner Membership application form at the bottom of this page and submit the fully completed form to

Personal information

In terms of the POPI Act, 4 of 2013, the PSA will only use the information provided on this application form for the intended purpose related to membership management. The PSA Privacy Policy is available on the PSA website ( By taking up membership, I agree to the said Policy.


Method of payment
(Noting that the Agency Fee will also be payable in this instance)

Members banking details:

Recruiter (PSA staff member):


I, the undersigned, hereby apply for membership of the PSA (Public Servants Association of South Africa) and authorise and request the Accounting Officer of my employer to deduct the applicable PSA Membership Fee (as approved by the PSA Board of Directors) from my salary starting from STOP-ORDER COMMENCEMENT DATE and thereafter until further written notice. I UNDERSTAND THAT IN TERMS OF SECTION 13(3) OF THE LABOUR RELATIONS ACT, 1995 THIS STOP-ORDER MAY ONLY BE REVOKED BY THE GIVING OF THREE MONTHS' (ONE MONTH IN THE CASE OF NON-PUBLIC SERVANTS) WRITTEN NOTICE TO MY EMPLOYER AND THE PSA.
I understand that membership fees are due and collectable by the PSA while I am a member of the PSA.


I, the undersigned, hereby apply for membership of the PSA (Public Servants Association of South Africa) requesting and authorising you at the same time to deduct from my account at the above bank the applicable PSA Membership Fee (as approved by the PSA Board of Directors), which covers my membership fee to the PSA, starting from the DEBIT-ORDER COMMENCEMENT DATE and continue deducting said amount monthly on the selected day of each month thereafter until further written notice.

Recruiter details (Not PSA staff member):


Application date: 2025-03-24

If assistance is required with the completion of the form, contact any PSA Provincial Office.
PSA Pensioner membership application form 2024 April 2024
PSA Membership application form 2024 December 2023
PSA Student application form 2024 December 2023